Friday, 27 May 2011

Not to be controversial, BUT....

So in the spirit of starting with a BANG, let me confess that I absolutely adore fur. Now before you start screaming murder, lets talk about this in a polite, civilised fashion. I am not talking about endangered creatures or anything like that. Im talking about fox or rabbit, for example. Many suburban Australians dont quite realise that foxes and rabbits are pests, farmers must shoot them to save their crops and animals.If the must do this anyway, isn't it more prudent and less wasteful to utilise the parts of the animal that can be used? People eat rabbit all the time in restaurants, so why not keep the fur and turn it into a bolero or a scarf?

Anyway, you get my basic point, though I'm happy to discuss it futher if you have a problem with what I'm saying. Lets move on from our lovely ethical discussion and look at some pretty things!

This beaver fur coat takes my breat away every time I see it. I would genuinely expect to see this in a museum  exhibit of 1940's winter fashion, but here it is, on sale on Etsy. If I had a spare $600 I would buy it in a heartbeat, and think about whether or not it would fit later.
Now I know this next item goes against my previous assurances about endangered animals, but because it's vintage, the damage has already been done anyway, right? Anyway, I stumbled across this real leopard fur collar and I was instantly drawn to such a naughty idea!

There's just something about fur that takes us back into that primitive mindset of hunters and gatherers, of wooden huts and big fires, simple survival. I find it so sexy. Which is why men in fur is one of my favorite things - like Russell Crowe in Gladiator.. It's a shame that we dont get to see men like this anymore.

And so, to scale it down to a more modern idea (which I feel is a collossal shame), I have found a rather lovely fur collared coat that does not scream I-AM-A-HOMOSEXUAL that my husband wishes we could afford to buy for him..Isnt it lovely?  

Please excuse me while I daydream about a little cabin in the woods...


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