Sunday 13 November 2011

Happy Birthday to ME!!

Hello darlings,

Goodness me it's been a long time since my last post. Sorry about that! Working like a crazy chicken makes Yaneka grumpy and uninspired. However, it was my birthday last week (very fast becoming my favourite week of the year), and my darling husband went online shopping like a lunatic!

I've had a lot of requests for pictures of what he gave me, but have not yet had the chance to take any (pure cussed laziness). HOWEVER, because (almost) everything he bought was online, I have pictures! Hurrah!

So here it is - my loot.

Vintage 1950's Party Dress!! Cant wait to wear it out..
SUPER CUTE Vintage Joseph La Rose shoes...They shredded my feet but I still love them!
Vintage Givenchy Skirt..the photo for this item is terrible. Its grey, not beige. Super Sexy.
Again, the picture just does not do this vintage skirt justice. The taffeta is almost luminescent! SO beautiful. Everytime I wear it I cant stop staring at it.
My GIANT Vivienne Westwood bag - How long I have waited to own you! SO Beautiful. There are no words - you all know what Vivienne does to me..
My husband commented last night that everywhere he turns in our apartment, he runs into Vivienne. Perhaps my obsession is starting to borderline on unhealthy addiction?? NO,no, of course not, dont be silly..
Pauls Boutique - Genius. The amount of people that stared at me when I used this bag for the first time was definitely a sign - We are meant to be!!
Many late night reading/fantasizing to follow..

There was also a fur wrap which was not bought online, therfore pictures are still to come. Its a little bit gorgeous though!! Michael will never stop giving me fur.

And, apparently there is still one thing to come?
I am a very happy woman.

Well, what do you think? Do you think he passed the birthday test?

LOVE xxxx

Sunday 16 October 2011

Seeker Lover Keeper - Light all my Lights

This clip is Magical! Barry Otto is such a free spirit.. xxx

Friday 14 October 2011

All That Glitters..

My latest creation.. Would you wear this outfit?

All That Glitters..

Marc by Marc Jacobs silk top
$250 -

Mary Katrantzou knee length pencil skirt
$2,620 -

Red Valentino high heel shoes
$395 -

Clutch handbag
$76 -

Liz Claiborne stretchy ring
$5.40 -

Diane von Fürstenberg bangle bracelet
£100 -

Sunday 2 October 2011

Dear Stalkers

To all my darling friends who read my blog in secret, I'd love to hear from you! Don't be shy - comment or follow!!

Love Yaneka xxx

Inspiring Interiors - Jimmie Martin

I first discovered Jimmie Martin simply because their store was 2 minutes from where I lived in London and I had to walk past it almost every day. I soon found myself stopping every time by their window, completely fixated on their enchanting creations. They have an incredibly unique style which they have mastered in the most enviable of ways. One day my house will be full of their creativity, but until then, let me show you some of my favourite pieces..

To see more, head to their website


Monday 12 September 2011

Skirts Skirts Skirts!!

Yesterday I had a truly harrowing experience - and I am sure that this story is going to reveal some serious character flaws, but I'm just going to tell you anyway! Over the weekend I went shopping at Chadstone (something I dont usually do), and found a cute little made-in-china skirt that was some kind of poly/viscose/acetate blend. I usually don't buy these things, I am a bona-fide fabric snob. However, it was in the perfect forest green colour that I've been trying to find for at least two years so I thought I'd buy it and just pretend it wasn't cheap shit and just hope that no one would notice.

So, I went shopping somewhere I don't shop, and I bought something I just don't buy. And I thought I would get away with it accident free. So OF COURSE on the very first day I wore it out in public I ended up on the tram sitting opposite a girl with the EXACT SAME SKIRT as me!

Now I know you think I'm shallow for reacting so strongly to this situation, but I've been wearing vintage so long that I genuinely can't remember this ever happening to me in the past, and I guess I am used to having the security that my clothes are 50 years old, I am never going to run into a double. But yesterday on the tram it happened to me and completely rocked my confidence. So I ran home and ripped it off and banished it to the dark corners of my closet until I'm brave enough to wear it again.

Needless to say, this experience had me running back into the arms of vintage. So, I thought I'd share a few beautiful vintage skirts that I have been lusting after.

(To family and friends, I think this would be an appropriate moment to remind you that my birthday is coming up soon...)


All these delightful skirts can be found on Etsy! You're more than welcome to purchase one for me:)  A new beautiful skirt might just help me get over yesterday's embarrassment.
